Our Story

My vision was simply to create the best belt for patients and clinicians.

Shortly after beginning my physical therapy career, I was commissioned into the US Air Force as a PT and stationed in California at Travis Air Force Base.  I was then deployed to 'Southwest Asia' to provide downrange physical therapy services as part of the medical team supporting an international special forces unit. With no equipment aside from some elastic tubing, I quickly realized the value of "a good set of hands" and what essential equipment I was lacking...namely a MOBILIZATION / TRACTION BELT. With limited resources, it was time to get creative. For the first month of my deployment I used a military cargo strap, but found it to be too heavy, too cumbersome, and too short for joint mobilizations, traction, or stretching.  After writing home, I was mailed a blue nylon strap, but found that it frayed and warped quickly and could not be laundered. This was the initial spark behind the PEARL PERFORMANCE belt.

After dissatisfaction with using the traditional mobilization/traction belts and gait/transfer belts, I decided to design a better one! I wrote the list of qualities I wanted in an ideal belt. I then partnered with textile engineers to create a new fabric and stitching combination that could withstand high heat, repel harsh chemicals such as chlorine, oil, and bleach, had unmatched tensile strength, superior durability, and amazing aesthetics and texture.

Most importantly, as a military veteran, I insisted that this belt be made right here in the United States. My passion and the help from many others resulted in the creation of what I believe is simply the best mobilization/traction and gait/transfer belts on the market...the PEARL PERFORMANCE BELT.

Although the original PEARL PERFORMANCE BELT continues to be a top seller, I knew we could improve on this great design. So I asked our customers how we could make this product better. Almost universally, patients, caregivers, and clinicians asked if we could create belts with patterns to showoff their individual style! We are excited about these fantastic designs…there is something for everyone. Also, we launched our line of Custom Logo belts in response to clinicians, practice owners, college professors, health system executives, and professional sports rehab coordinators asking "Is there a way to put our logo on the belt?". So we did just that. Your design, your colors, your brand. We are able to create new artwork, modify existing logos, and give you great advice on was looks aesthetically pleasing to the eye.

Most recently, again in response to our loyal customers, we have created a 12 loop PEARL PERFORMANCE STRETCH STRAP to increase soft tissue and muscular flexibility. This stretch strap can also be customized with your brand. These stretch straps have created quite a buzz in fitness circles due to their top quality, design, and ability to be laundered repeatedly without fading.

I invite you to give one of our products a ‘test drive’ and look forward to hearing about your first Pearl Performance Experience!


Mike Fink

Our Team

Mike (Sales/Customer Service)

Oversees the ordering, production and delivery of the Pearl Performance products. As the creator of the Pearl Performance belts/straps your satisfaction is my top priority!

Suzy (Lead Graphic Designer)

Suzy leads the design team that makes your vision a reality when you create your Custom Logo design. She prides herself in getting your vision into artwork that exceeds your expectations...which happens so frequently that we quit keeping track!

Phil (Lead Manufacturer)

Phil is the man behind the actual construction of the belts and straps. He heads up the team that makes sure the printed images look crystal clear, the stitching is sound, and that everything comes out looking as good as promised. Phil is a perfectionist, so you are in good hands with him and his top-notch team!